Weather in Acre

Home Hotels Acre Weather in Acre


Hot and Humid Days  

The weather in Acre is known for hot and humid days year round with temperatures often reaching over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The high humidity makes the heat feel even hotter and more oppressive.  

Thunderstorms in the Afternoon   

Afternoon thunderstorms are common occurrences from November to March in Acre. Heavy downpours and frequent lightning strikes accompany these daily storms that provide brief relief from the hot weather.   

The Dry Season Arrives in July    

July marks the beginning of the dry season in Acre where rainfall becomes scarce and sporadic. The dry weather continues into September bringing lower humidity and slightly cooler temperatures.   

October Brings Rain Relief  

The first rains of the wet season typically arrive in October bringing much needed relief from the dry season. Showers become more frequent through November and December, cooling off the hot and dry weather.

Flood Risk During the Wet Season

The many rivers that run through Acre pose a flood risk during the months with heaviest rainfall from December to March. Residents prepare for possible evacuations and damage to property if floods 

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